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Homebirth at 38 - A Personal Journey into Allowance

After Sky was born my midwives sat on our couch and wrote my birthing records together while my husband made everyone porridge. My daughter watched a movie while I slipped between stages of labour and she met Sky within minutes of his arrival onto a towel on my bed. It was honestly the most beautiful moment in my life. I felt empowered, in awe of my body and what it had done, what I had allowed it to do.  On the 14th of April 2022 I gave birth in my bed, 9 hours after my waters broke and 8 hours after the first suggestion of a contraction. I loved this birth experience. With the exception of the transition stage which I found thoroughly overwhelming.  My daughter's birth, 5 years earlier, was not traumatic, but it was very different. I had an episiotomy and an epidural, after struggling to acclimatise to the experience of birthing. I had excellent care, but I was in a hospital and there were certain things that needed to be done a certain way (or so I understood it at the time) as

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