The sky is falling.
Through the leaves of the apple trees
Whose leaves will fall too
Falling out of place
Like rain forming rivers on the glass
Forming rivers leading to oceans
Rising and falling away.
Like who you thought you were
What you thought your life was for
All the things you had to prove
What mattered.
In the centre of your chest it pulls like a scarf
From a magician’s hat.
Seemingly endlessly.
How do we be in a world
When we cannot pinpoint
A certainty.
Except perhaps uncertainty.
And even then.
Apple leaves become soil again.
Rain becomes rivers
The sky reflects the sea
Reflects the sky
Reflects the sea
Reflects the sky.
Until your feet are unsteady.
And you cannot see where it began or ended
Any of it
Any of you.
Soil becomes plants
Becomes flesh
Becomes flesh
Becomes flesh
Becomes flesh
Becomes flesh
Becomes flesh
Becomes soil.
You hold steady
On this earth
The only steadiness
The thing you return to
The sky is falling
And you cannot cling onto the apple leaves as they whirl away
Let them fly
Let it run.
Down your face.
Towards the sea again.
Becoming vapour
Becoming clouds
Becoming rain on your window
Quenching your thirst.
Running through plumbing
Over landscapes
Falling through the land
Into and through us all.
How do we stand steady in such movement
Unless we know we are moving too.
And even then.
What point can we fix on to catch our balance.
And the earth holds us
All the while.
When you shake for unknowing
You tremble for all the falling
Never understanding what you are becoming
Afraid for what you lose.
Every time you return.
She is what you return to.
The earth,
Spinning faster than any of it
Steadying you
In her twirling.
All there is.
Contained in the dirt.
In the water.
In the air in your lungs that moves the trees.
All there is.
Steady in these uncertainties
In the unknowability of even yourself.
I am the earth
I am the air
I am the fire
I am the water.
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